In 2011, during his Doo-Wops & Hooligans tour, Bruno Mars made his appearance in Puerto Rico all the more personal when he invited his father to perform on stage with him. The American singer-songwriter warmed the hearts of the crowd when they realized the important role his family played in shaping the man that Bruno Mars became, and were also amazed at the talent the entire family possesses!
Embracing his Puerto Rican roots, Bruno Mars, his father, and the rest of the band broke out into a tantalizing drum beat that made the whole crowd start to cheer and move in unison with the beats. As the song gradually intensified, we could see that Bruno Mars’ father knew his way around the congas incredibly well, and Bruno Mars wasn’t too far behind him on the drums! With a father this talented, it’s no wonder that Bruno Mars dedicated himself to a career in music. Watch below:
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