My MIL Went on My Honeymoon to Make My Life Hell — I Didn’t Want to Put up with It & Planned the Perfect Payback

What was meant to be a romantic getaway for me and my new husband turned into a nightmare very quickly when an unexpected guest joined us. Let me backtrack a bit and explain how all this happened.

An upset woman climbing out of a car | Source: Pexels

An upset woman climbing out of a car | Source: Pexels

My husband, Mike, and I were getting ready to go on our honeymoon. We had planned this trip for months, and I was buzzing with excitement! As we got into the car to head to the airport, Mike casually mentioned that we needed to stop by his mother’s place first.

“Why?” I asked, puzzled. “Because she’s coming with us.” I was confused and asked, “What?” Sighing, he explained, “She’s never been on a vacation or traveled abroad in her entire life, so it’s only fair she goes with us.”

An upset woman driving with a man | Source: Pexels

An upset woman driving with a man | Source: Pexels

To say I was stunned would be an understatement! “When were you planning to tell me this? And what about our previous reservations?” I asked, trying to keep my voice calm. “I changed the reservations and tickets a while ago,” he informed me.

“The truth is she insisted on it, and I thought you wouldn’t mind since you’re such a kind person.” That statement took me from confused to LIVID! I was furious that he had decided everything without me and had changed our bookings.

An upset woman arguing with a man | Source: Pexels

An upset woman arguing with a man | Source: Pexels

Just the idea of being away on the islands with my mother-in-law (MIL) for two weeks sounded like hell! I was so torn that I even considered canceling everything! But then a BRILLIANT IDEA STRUCK ME! When we got to my MIL’s place, my husband went out to fetch her.

While Mike was loading his mother’s luggage into our car, I made a quick phone call. “Mom, hi. I have a bit of a problem,” I began. “What happened, dear?” Her voice sounded concerned. “My MIL made Mike take her with us on our honeymoon.”

A bag tied on top of a car | Source: Pixabay

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